Arturo Ruiz Loredo - Founding Member of the Escaramuza

He was a member of the first escaramuza in 1953 with his sisters
Arturo Ruiz Loredo on Oct. 18, 1953
Did you know that boys rode in the first escaramuza ? In fact, the first team was evenly split between boys and girls: three girls and three boys.

Who would have imagined that back in 1953 a charreria performance was co-ed. It didn't last long however, just a few years, as the boys began practicing other charreria sports, like roping and tumbling cattle over. 

That left room for more girls to join and that's when the escaramuza became a female affair.
He stands with his horse at his horse training center in Tepeji del Rio, Mexico
Arturo in Tepeji del Rio, Mexico. 2009

Today a professional horse trainer in Tepeji del Rio, Hidalgo, Mexico, Arturo Ruiz Loredo was just 5-yeras-old  when he rode alongside his two sisters Graciela and Maria Eugenia. The three other kids were from the Camacho Elorriaga family. Arturo reflected back on how it all started, with this comment:

"The escaramuza was not something that was preconceived, it wasn't  an idea that any particular person had who said we're going to do this and that, something planned. The escaramuza evolved like life." 

- Arturo Ruiz Loredo

Photo by photographer Leslie Mazoch when she visited him for an interview for her project about the escaramuza sport
Arturo at his horse training center in Tepeji del Rio, Mexico. 2009

The following video is an audio-slide show about the Escaramuza sport, featuring an interview with Arturo, by photographer Leslie Mazoch.

The below video is a collection of historical photographs of this first team, paired with an interview of Guadalupe "Coco" Camacho, one of the three girls on the team.